MATLAB: How to divide a matrix by its columns


for example:
[ 1 35 37 29 312
1 321 421 2 34
1 329 412 32 54
4 421 348 48 445
4 48 49 41 394 ]
Can I segregate this matrix in small matrix based on the first column ?
A = [ 1 35 37 29 312
1 321 421 2 34
1 329 412 32 54]
B =...
C =...
D = [ 4 421 348 48 445
4 48 49 41 394 ]

Best Answer

Yes, use the accepted answer from Azzi that is posted here. Just choose the 1st column instead of the 4th column.
Namely, if your original matrix is called A, then
[ii,jj,kk] = unique(A(:,1))
out = accumarray(kk,1:numel(kk),[],@(x) {A(x,:)})
You will see that "out" is a cell array, where each cell has one of the smaller matrices you want.