MATLAB: How to divide a 3d matrix by a 2d matrix along one dimension

image analysismatrix division

Hi everybody,
I have 3d Matrix named Data, consisting of several grey scale Pictures. I want to divide it by a 2d Matix called DataMax containing the maximum intensity among the pictures at a pixel, in order to normalize Data in the 3rd dimension to 1.
I can perform the operation using a for loop:
DataMax = max(Data,[],3);
[x,y,z] = size(Data);
for k=1:z
Data(:,:,k) = Data(:,:,k)./DataMax;
However I would like to get rid of the loop in order to maximize performance.
Any ideas on how to do this?

Best Answer

See if bsxfun (link) will do what you want:
Data = bsxfun(@rdivide, Data, DataMax);
It is generally quite efficient.
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