MATLAB: How to display values with formatting, converting numbers to strings.

cell arraysguimatrixstring formatting

if size(cost,1) == 2
A = (4*Pdt*cost(1,3)*cost(2,3)) + 2*(cost(1,2)*cost(2,3))+(cost(1,3)*cost(2,2));
B = 2*(cost(2,3)+cost(1,3));
lambda = num2str(A ./ B);
set(handles.answer1_staticText,'String', lambda);
P1 = (lambda - cost(1,2))./(2*cost(1,3));
P2 = (lambda - cost(2,2))./(2*cost(2,3));
PT = mat2str(P1 + P2);
set(handles.answer2_staticText,'String', PT);
guidata(hObject, handles);
From the coding above, the answer become like this :
[11.75 11.25 11.25 11.75 10.75 11.5 12.75 12.75 13]
My question is I want to display my answer at the static text box like this:
P1 = (%answer for P1)
P2 = (%answer for P2)
P TOTAL = (%answer for PT)
Can anyone help me with the coding?

Best Answer

You can build the multiline text, for example:
{['P1 =' string1],['P2 =' string2],['P3 =' string3]}