MATLAB: How to display two colours in one graph

coloursimageimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hello everyone,
I first use cat() to define the color from RGB values and then I am trying to plot the colors of two differnet pixel one next to the other using image().
Any suggestions on how I can do that?
this is working for me but i would like to have them showing in the same graph and figure
Thank you in advance
axis equal

Best Answer

See Steve's blog:
Or else just do this:
imageHeight = 300;
% Create an image of all 1's.
blank = ones(imageHeight, 'uint8');
% Assign (or get) the two RGB values into a vector.
rgb1 = [0, 255, 255];
rgb2 = [255, 146, 0];
% Create two images. One image for each color.
color1 = cat(3, rgb1(1) * blank, rgb1(2) * blank, rgb1(3) * blank);
color2 = cat(3, rgb2(1) * blank, rgb2(2) * blank, rgb2(3) * blank);
% Stitch them together into one image.
twoPixels = [color1, color2];
% Display that image.