MATLAB: How to display the two biggest blobs in terms of area

blobdisplayfilter by areaImage Processing Toolbox

I have a binary image 'i' which I have attached here. From this image, I want to find the two biggest blobs in terms of area. When I tried this code, I am able to find the biggest blob which I have attached and the next biggest blob is removed.
[biggestArea, indexOfBiggest]=sort(allAreas,'descend')
I tried to use the bwareafilt() but MATLAB R2013a does not support it. Kindly help me to display the next biggest blob.
Thanking you.

Best Answer

In the line
you are finding the biggest by looking at the first index in a sorted array. So to get the second biggest you do
Then you can combine them simply by doing
twoBiggest = biggestBlob | secondBlob;
This is because both blobs are binary - 1s and 0s - so by doing an OR operation it makes every white part in both images seen in both images.