MATLAB: How to display the coordinate system of the figure (UCS icon)

coordinate systemdisplayimage processingucs icon

I have a 3D object having irregular shape and volume changing along the axes direction. I want to show the coordinate system icon in the figure associated with that object so that when I will rotate the object it will also change,like available in different CAD/CAE systems. How can I get this in MATLAB?

Best Answer

Hi yu, Yes I have done it a few times. You should be aware that this will work for me because the scale on each axis is equal. For example:
%before this you have plotted a surface in axis hAx
%Get X, Y and Z data for plotting the axes...
X_range = hAx.XLim(2) - hAx.XLim(1);
X_start = hAx.XLim(1);
X_delta = X_range/20;
Y_delta = (hAx.YLim(2) - hAx.YLim(1))/20;
Y_start = hAx.YLim(1);
Z_delta = (hAx.ZLim(2) - hAx.ZLim(1))/20;
Z_start = hAx.ZLim(1);
X_Line = line(hAx,[X_start+X_delta X_start+X_delta*5],[Y_start+Y_delta Y_start+Y_delta],[Z_start+Z_delta Z_start+Z_delta]); % x Line
Y_Line = line(hAx,[X_start+X_delta X_start+X_delta],[Y_start+Y_delta Y_start+Y_delta*5],[Z_start+Z_delta Z_start+Z_delta]); % Y Line
Z_Line = line(hAx,[X_start+X_delta X_start+X_delta],[Y_start+Y_delta Y_start+Y_delta],[Z_start+Z_delta Z_start+Z_delta*5]); %Z Line
X_text = text(hAx,X_start+X_delta*6,Y_start+Y_delta,Z_start+Z_delta,'x');
Y_text = text(hAx,X_start+X_delta,Y_start+Y_delta*6,Z_start+Z_delta,'y');
Z_text = text(hAx,X_start+X_delta,Y_start+Y_delta,Z_start+Z_delta*6,'z');
You can then play around with how long you want each line, the colors of the lines and text etc... I tend to use linkprop to link the properties of the lines that need to stay the same. If you do not have equal axis scales, this method wont really work...