MATLAB: How to Display the code on Edit Text in GUI

edit textguiMATLAB

Hello Everyone,
I need to display the my entire MATLAB code on edit text in GUI.
I have tried like this
conn = database('codeDSN', '', '');
curs2 = exec(conn, ['select * from codemaster, codes where = and =1']);
curs2 = fetch(curs2);
cidxh = curs2.Data;
for i = 1 : size(cidxh,1)
set(handles.edit1, 'String', cidxh{i,4});
It is displaying only last line in the code and that to in middle of the Edit Text window.
Please any one suggest me how to display all the codes and in the order(left side of the window).
thanks in advance

Best Answer

No loop and just
set(handles.edit1, 'String', cidxh);