MATLAB: How to display spectrogram of a audio in App Designer

app designerMATLABspectrogram

I want show the figure in the app designer interface.But did not success.I only can plot it outside of app designer.I am using Matlab 2018b.
Anyone know how to do it. Thanks.

Best Answer

Dear Austin,
You need to specify which axes will be used for plotting, inside a callback for plotting such spectrogram, you may use the following example code:
t = 0:0.001:2;
x = chirp(t,100,1,200,'quadratic');
myAxe = app.UIAxes;
[S,F,T] = spectrogram(x,128,120,128,1e3);
imagesc(myAxe, T, F, log(1+abs(S)) ); %plot the log spectrum
set(myAxe,'YDir', 'normal'); % flip the Y Axis so lower frequencies are at the bottom
Let me know if that solves your problem.