MATLAB: How to display/save all the optimized values (design variables and corresponding value objective functions) of gamultiobj


I am using gamultiobj (Optimization toolbox) for 2 objective functions and 5 design variables. As the code takes too much time I need to use the optimized values from each generation. Is it possible to view/display these results for every iteration? I tried to use 'iterative' option under 'display property' but it only shows generation number, average pareto spread, etc. which are not important to me.

Best Answer

You can use an Output Function to report or save the population from each generation and the rank or each member. You could filter the result to output only the best individuals, those with rank 1. To obtain the fitness functions, you would have to evaluate the fitness yourself, but the output function could do that, too. For an example of how to write an output function, see Custom output Function for Genetic Algorithm. For the gamultiobj state structure, se this link.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation