MATLAB: How to display only bottom and left axis, not top and right axis


I am trying to plot this without the top and right axis, so the top and right side will not be confined by a border on the plot area. I have followed the other suggested question but it is not working for my case. I tried adding a section of the code from another example after the whole addition did not change. I am using Matlab 2017a.
subplot2 = subplot(1,2,2,'Parent',figure1,'YMinorTick','on',...
All I am trying to do is get the figure to plot without those two axis confining the plot area, so the second through fourth line were adding to a code that produced the figure I am after.
Thank in advance.

Best Answer

There are syntax errors in your code. But besides that why are you creating an axis, turning its visibility off and making a new axis at the same position. Try the following code
subplot2 = subplot(1,2,2,'Parent',gcf,'YMinorTick','on',...