MATLAB: How to display an error message in GUI


I have a figure of table. The user will insert a data into the table. If the user suddenly inserts the wrong data, the table will be 'NaN'. My question is how I want to make the table does not display 'NaN' on the table but I want an error message appear. I have this coding:
function Mytable1_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if isnan(Mytable1)
set(hObject, 'Data', 0);
errordlg('Input must be a number','Error');
handles.Mytable2 = hObject;
But there is an error with this code. Is this coding are correct to answer my question?

Best Answer

You wouldn't put the test in the create function, you would put the test in the edit function.
You may also want to uiwait() around the errordlg() so that you force the user to acknowledge the error. Your present code pops up the error but the user can hide it and continue on their way.