MATLAB: How to display a script-called function’s error message without pausing the script


I am writing a script for documentation purposes to "verify" a function I have written. I would like to demonstrate in the script what the function's error messages look like without stopping the script. I'm thinking of using a "try-catch" statement to not pause the script when an error is returned, but I am not sure how to display the function's error message in the "catch" part of the statement.
My function's error-message code has a specific format (i.e. it displays the error between lines of asterisks) and looks like this (for example):
if input<0
msg = 'Error: Input must be greater than 0.';
error('EXAMPLE:operational', 'Sign Error\n%s\n%s\n%s\n', ...
repmat('*',1,82), msg, repmat('*',1,82));
I am thinking of calling the function in my verification script like this:
test = myFun(-5); %Test negative input
%What do I put here so that the script displays the function's error
%message to the command window?
It may be that I must simply put 'disp('the function returned an error')' in the catch statement, but it would be very nice to display the exact error message for documentation purposes. Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

test = myFun(-5); %Test negative input
catch ME