MATLAB: How to display a complex decimal result with actual precision value

complex number calculationimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

I am trying to do arithmetic calculation with a number e=0.015923-0.03179523i iteratively to generate an encryption key which is to be expected a high precision complex decimal number. After calculation, I got the result only upto 4 decimal digits. I tried digits() but problem is that the result displayed according to the number given in digits(). I want the result with actual precision value. Please help.

Best Answer

The default display format, format short, displays numbers "Short, fixed-decimal format with 4 digits after the decimal point." But note that this has no impact on how the numbers are stored and computed, which is to double precision. Change your display format if you want to see more decimal places.
If you want to compute your complex number using higher precision than double precision, use Symbolic Math Toolbox.
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