MATLAB: How to display 729 ‘double’ input arguments in tabular form? to get 729*729 matrix


I have a list of 729 elements, each element being 6-tuple. I want to display this list in the form of a table. Elements in rows is same as elements in columns.

Best Answer

H = cellstr( strcat('T', char('0' + fullfact([3 3 3 3 3 3])-1 ) ) );
emptyvals = repmat({''}, length(H), length(H));
YourTable = cell2table(emptyvals, 'VariableNames', H, 'RowNames', H);
Now YourTable is a 729 x 729 table in which each entry is an empty character vector (that you can then overwrite with appropriate content.) The columns are labeled, with
T000000 T100000 T200000 T010000 T110000 etc
and so are the rows.
In MATLAB, the column names for table() objects must be valid variable names so it is not possible to use pure numbers, but you could change the T to any alphabetic letter you wanted.