MATLAB: How to disable use of the Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) libraries by the Image Processing Toolbox 4.2 (R14)

imageImage Processing Toolboxintelippippllibrarymexperformanceprimitivessharedspeed

In the Image Processing Toolbox 4.2 (R14), certain functions are implemented using the Intel Performance Primitive (IPP) libraries to increase performance. However, I am calling MEX-functions with which I would like to use a different version of IPP. I would like to disable IPP in MATLAB so that I may use a different version of the libraries from MEX.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
You may disable the use of IPP by setting the environment variable IPT_IPPL_OFF.
The value you set it to does not matter. The MATLAB function IPPL will return true if the IPP libraries are being used and false otherwise. The IPP libraries are used with single, uint8, and int16 operations with some of the image processing commands.