MATLAB: How to Differentiate between ‘\n’ and CR/LF when reading in text files in MATLAB

delimiterfopenMATLABstrreptext filetext;textscan

I am trying to read in a text file where each row contains a string. Some rows contain the character combination '\n' and '\r', and then all rows end with a CR and LF marker (I opened the file in Notepad++ to see this). For example:
First Name
…and so on.
The issue is that when I use textscan and set either '\n' or '\r' as the delimiter, MATLAB parses the incoming file at every '\n' or '\r' and CR or LF, where I need to only have actual carriage returns and line feeds break the line. Is there some sort of identifier I can use to differentiate a CR/LF from '\n' and '\r'?
fid=fopen('text.txt', 'r+');
full=textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n') % I tried with '\r' as delimiter as well, and the result is the same
printFile=fopen('results.txt', 'at');
for i=1:length(full{1})
str=strrep(str, '\n', '$'); % I need to input a '$' as a manual delimiter in place of actual CR and LF.
% However this will replace both '\n' *and* CR/LF with '$'.
fprintf(printFile, '%s$', str);
fclose all;

Best Answer

I've been sitting with this problem for a while, and the second I posted a question I figured it out :)
a=sprintf('\n') % a now equals a line feed
b=sprintf('\r') % b now equals a carriage return
Using these as delimiters directly solves my problem. So given my original sample code:
fid=fopen('text.txt', 'r+');
full=textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', sprintf('\r'));
fclose all;
% This reads in the text file, creating a new line at every carriage return
% and doing nothing when it sees a '\n' or '\r'