MATLAB: How to differentiate between each plot when every time I change the parameters from GUI, it updates same figure with new output


I have designed one GUI for my technical analysis and comparison of process and controller output.Each time when I change the external parameters from GUI,I am getting same colour output(i.e blue)in same window.When I am comparing two or more outputs,it is becoming little confusing for me to analyse the performance. Is there any other way to segregate/differentiate one output from another?

Best Answer

You can mention color.
plot(x,y,'color','r') ; 'r','b','g' etc...
As it is inside gui, you may not mention color. You may use
C = {'r' 'b' 'g' 'y' 'm' 'k' 'c'} ; % mention all colors here
plot(x,y,'color',C{randsample(1:length(C),1)}) ; % select color randomly from C