MATLAB: How to determine if the control signal I got in tuning the PI controllers for the SS model is valid

control signalMATLABpi controllersimulink

How to determine if the control signal I got in tuning my PI controllers for my SS model is valid?

Best Answer

Well, I have checked your model. You defined your control signal as Joule, and it almost rises from zero to its peak value in no time. This is not realistic since you arranged your Kp coefficient higher than 700. In simulation, it may give you a fine result, but in reality, since the control signal applied on the system is mostly voltage, you can not increase your Kp coefficient this much. Therefore, to make your control process more realistic, I suggest you to either put a saturation element in front of your control signal or redesign your controller. Note that mostly the energy given to the system is generated by an electrical source, which means you have to control the voltage level coming out of your driver circuit.
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