MATLAB: How to Detect the hottest spot in a thermal video

computer visionImage Processing Toolboxthermal

Hello, I have a thermal video from a professional camera and how have to find the hottest point regarding temperature in this video. Would you please like to tell me how can I do this? I imported thermal image from this video and applied threshold it gives the values but after that it doesn't locate the hottest spot. Thanking you in anticipation.

Best Answer

Assuming the video is grayscale (hopefully) you can get each frame, then do
maxValue = max(thisFrame(:));
[rows, columns] = find(thisFrame == maxValue);
That will give you the row(s) and column(s) where the brightest value (max temperature) occurs. If it's a pseudocolored video, then you'd need the color map and scan your frame and for each pixel determine which index in the colormap does that color appear.