MATLAB: How to detect the ‘end’ directive in subsref


Hi all!
I am trying to reimplement the indexing of the object. Let us take as an example this primitive class that return the substript
classdef buffer
function value = subsref(obj, S)
value = S(1).subs{1};
Let's create object
Then buf(7) returns 7. buf(3:7) returns [3 4 5 6 7]. All good so far. Then buf(:) returns char ':'. Ok, can process that. Now comes the funny part:
buf(end) returns 1
buf(end+1) returns 2
buf(1:end) returns 1
buf(2:end) returns []
Question: is there a workaround so that 'end' is not always equivalent of 1, but I would be able to add my own implementation?

Best Answer

Overload the end method for your class as described on this documentation page.
The reason end was always taking the value 1 is probably because your object is a scalar (size [1 1]) that internally contains an array. Consider overloading size to return the size of that internal array if appropriate.