MATLAB: How to detect regions in image using x,y coordinates

bubblescirclesimage processingImage Processing Toolboxomroptical answer sheetoptical mark recognitionquestionnairetemplate matchingtest sheet

I am a newbie in Image Processing using Matlab. have been successful in doing Marked Circle recognition using Template Matching.This is the code I used:
function[res] = findtemplate(image, template, th, showtemp)
im = rgb2gray(imread(image));
temp = rgb2gray(imread(template));
close all
out = normxcorr2(temp, im);
[m, n] = size(temp);
out = out(m+1: end, n+1: end);
bw = out > th;
r = regionprops(bwlabel(bw));
if nargin > 3
im(1:m, 1:n) = temp;
res = r;
imshow(im, [])
hold on
for i=1:length(r)
rectangle('position', [r(i).Centroid(1), r(i).Centroid(2), m, n], 'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',2);
Output image looks like this:
And now I must detect that numbers using x,y coordinates.It would be helpful if someone explains it better since I am a newbie.Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I may still work on the demo, but try what I have so far using the attached m-file and the attached PNG image file (slightly cropped from the one you uploaded).