MATLAB: How to detect pacing pulses in ECG signal


I have downloaded this ecg database from physionet – The recordings of my interest are 107.dat, 107.atr, 107.hea I have plotted the signals correctly and can make out from the annotations that there are paced pulses. But, I am unsure whether what I feel are pacing pulses are correct or not. I have attached an image file showing the peaks of what I feel are pacing pulses. Please can anyone tell if it is right?
Also, I want to know what is the wave following the pacing pulse? (Q,R,S??) Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.

Best Answer

You are correct. The spikes that you have identified with the black dots are pacing spikes. You should see them in all leads. I have never done any frequency-selective signal processing on a paced EKG.