MATLAB: How to deploy control algorithms to Parrot Minidrones using the support package

parrot minidronessupport package

I have installed the support package for Parrot Minidrones and I am wondering which are the steps to deploy a control algorithm via Simulink.

Best Answer

Hi Jon, In addition to the answer by David Ding, I would like to mention that a Quadcopter example model is being shipped with Aerospace Blockset that you can use to generate code and download on the drone. This model would enable you to fly and hover the drone. Please follow the below question for mode details on how to use the example in R2017a.
If you are looking forward to change the controller logic, you can open the quadcopter example, click on the subsystem titled FCS(flightControlSystem). This would open the flightControlSystem reference model. Open the model. You would find inside another reference model called Controller. Here is where you can modify the logic as you wish. After you are done, generate code and download it on the drone.
Follow the answers to below question about how to fly the drone after you have downloaded code on it.
DONT modify any of the inports and outports for the flightControlSystem