MATLAB: How to delete one of the two outlines of an image

contourdigital image processingimagestructstructures

I have a binary image with two outlines (attachment). One larger and one smaller. I used the bwconncomp and regionprops function to identify such outlines and their respective areas. I would like to get another image, similar to the image i attached, but without the smaller outline. The regionprops function returns a struct with a field and two values where it is possible to identify the area of the smallest contour in which I want to remove it from my initial image. Do you have any idea how to solve this?
Thanks in advance
Contour = bwconncomp(image, 8);
area = regionprops(Contour, 'Area');

Best Answer

Following code will select the smallest region and remove it from the image
image = preenc;
Contour = bwconncomp(image, 8);
area = regionprops(Contour, 'Area');
[~, idx] = min([area.Area]);
mask = Contour.PixelIdxList{idx};
image(mask) = 0;