MATLAB: How to delete nodes from a “uitree”


I am making an app with App Designer and I would like to remove nodes from a "uitree" object. I would like to be able to remove them one at a time or clear the entire tree. Is that possible in MATLAB?

Best Answer

To remove a single node from a "uitree", simply call its built-in 'delete' method. For example, if the node you want to delete is called 'app.node', you can delete it using this command:
>> app.node.delete;
If you want to delete all the nodes in a tree, you need to first take the list of all nodes (stored as the 'Children' property of the tree), then call the delete method on that list. If the tree that you want to clear is called 'app.Tree', the following commands will delete all of its nodes:
>> a = app.Tree.Children;
>> a.delete;