MATLAB: How to delete a Simulink template

MATLABsimulinksimulink templatetemplate

I created a Simulink template that I no longer wanted to show on my "Simulink Start Page" so I deleted the .sltx file. Now I am getting the following error (pretty much continuously)
Warning: An error has occurred during refresh of Action named createNewBlankModelAction.
Warning: Generator should return a DAStudio.ToolSchema.
Warning: Error reading file "C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\MATLAB\ME322_326_Blank_Model.sltx". Failed to open reader with error: Package does not exist
Do I need to do something in Simulink so that it stops looking for this template file?

Best Answer

I think I found the cause of the problem and a solution.
The reason this warning shows up is because MATLAB is looking for the default model template, but the file does not exist. In order to fix this you need to give it the location of a new default model template file.
Here is the code I used to fix the error on my machine. It resets the Simulink default template model to the factory version provided by MATLAB.
filename = Simulink.findTemplates('factory_default_model');