MATLAB: How to delete a component in a listbox


hi I used the below code for adding components for a listbox and it finally works but know I want to know if I want to delete a component from the listbox what should I do please? hope you can help me guys
this is the code that I have used
prompt=('please enter the component name: '); name=('input component name'); numlines=1; defaultanswer={''};
% prompt the user for some input answer = inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines,defaultanswer,'on'); % get the current list box selections selections = get(handles.listbox1,'String'); % append the answer to the list selections = [selections ; answer]; % update the list box with the new selection set(handles.listbox1,'String',selections);

Best Answer

You do pretty much the same thing as before, i.e. modify the string array and put it back in the listbox with the set(...) command.
Let's say your string looks like this:
selections = {'A' 'B' 'C'};
Then you delete say the 2nd element:
selections(2) = []
selections =
'A' 'C'
And you can put it back in the listbox: