MATLAB: How to delete a character with quotation marks from the following text file


I want to delete the first row and first column from the attached text file by using the Matlab, which line command could help to achieve this task, I have alread tried "textscan", but I could not achieve this task ?!!
As a final result, I need to get a text file its content as the following:

Best Answer

This works:
fidi = fopen('Aiman Qais AQLuni1.txt','rt');
D = textscan(fidi, '%s%f%f%f', 'HeaderLines',1, 'CollectOutput',1);
NumericData = D{2};
Examine_Result = NumericData(1:5,:) % Look At The First 5 Lines Of ‘NumericData’ (This Line Can Be Deleted)
Examine_Result =
1.59432977791474 1.95836444054155 1
6.03431588230053 4.64158508276192 1
6.06213713168152 0.434638079095179 1
2.58438531054738 2.09769139940443 1
2.1037630806909 3.65927457968427 1
You can eliminate the top row by setting 'HeaderLines',1, and 'ColledtOutput',1 collects the numeric and string data separately. The string data are in the first cell, created with the '%s' as the first in the format descriptor string. To delete the top row and first column then, all you need is in the ‘NumericData’ double array in my code.
EDIT — Added the ‘Examine_Result’ line and associated output.