MATLAB: How to delet rows from matrix(n*m) with remaining the other rows with the same sequence

sequence of rows in matlab

Hi everyone … I need to ask you about my matrix … i have (n*m) matrix … n=29 and m=57 i need to delet the rows from (1:15) with remain the other rows with the same sequence that i can write a for loop from (16:29) , because when i delet these rows by using A((1:15),:)=[] then the rows from 1:15 will deleted and the remaining rows take the sequence from (1:15)while i want them still take the sequense from (16:29)how can i do that?. i need you help urgently. thanks, Jenan

Best Answer

You could fill rows 1:15 with a value you consider 'null' such as zeros or NaNs.