MATLAB: How to define user-defined code blocks MATLAB


We have code blocks like 'if' and 'while'. Can we create our own code blocks?
If so, could you explain how to do that? Any answer is appreciated, thank you in advance.

Best Answer

If you're trying to overload the end keyword (in the context of an indexing expression for an instance of your user-defined class) follow the instructions on that documentation page for how to do so.
For all other keywords (as listed in the output of the iskeyword function; some examples are if, for, switch, classdef, etc.) or for overloading end in the context of ending a code block started by another keyword, the first part of the first step to do so is to go here.
Once you have completed the first step, the second step is to discuss your proposed new keyword with your manager and other interested parties. They will walk you through the rest of the steps.
A less strenuous approach, but one that requires additional time and is not guaranteed to succeed, is to contact Technical Support and ask them to file an enhancement request for your new keyword. Describe what you want that new keyword to do and how you would use it if it existed. The developers will review that enhancement request and may choose to implement that new keyword or a variant of it.
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