MATLAB: How to define units for the physical signal output of the SimScape ‘Lookup table’ blocks


I have Lookup table block which has 'temperature' as input and 'heat capacity' as output. I want to define units for the physical signal output of my lookup table.
I would also like to define the units of physical signal globally.

Best Answer

The SimScape lookup table cannot directly define the units of the output signal. Instead, the block that accepts the signal from the lookup table will define it. It will use the base unit of the type needed typically MKS). For example, if the block receiving the signal expects a temperature, it will assign the input signal as having the units of K.
The global settings for SimScape units are not stored on a per model basis. They are stored in the pm_units.m file located at $MATLABROOT\toolbox\physmod\unit\manager\unit_manager.
As you can see in this file, the default units are MKS, and all others are derived from these base units. For more information, please see the documentation for Unit Definitions: