MATLAB: How to define the sampling time in a system of Simscape Power System Blocks without accuracy lost importants

long time simulationsampling timeSimscape Electricalsimulink

Hi my fellows, I'm trying to simulate a subsystem during a time around a whole day (3600*24), but i don't know what is the best way to do it without produce important lost accuracy in the system, because the system collapse the memory of the computer after a time simulated, can you help me with it?, does any one of you has experience in it?. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Tony, it's hard to give an advice without knowing your model, simulation settings and the intent of your simulation. Because of the missing information, I just give some generic hints I learned in the past:
  • Rethink your sample times. Eventually some or all can be increased without making your results to bad. If you change the sample time of a discrete SimPowerSystems model, don't forget to adapt the snubber circuits.
  • Deactivate default logging and only activate what is required for your application.
  • Replace the standard logging with explicit Simulink blocks, sending data directly to a file.
  • Use decimation (filters) to reduce the logged data if possible.
Regards Torsten
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