MATLAB: How to define one cycle from the data by taking the max value?


Right now I am taking a .txt file and have defined f as a whole column from the .txt file that was extracted from a DAQ in labview. My code isn't working and the error says:
"Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals."
I read some questions and threads about this already but the fixes didn't work for me.
[Max_Value_Force,maxI] = max(f(:))
Time_Max_Force = t(maxI)
onecycle = f((Time_Max_Force-25):(Time_Max_Force+25))
Thank you so much.

Best Answer

Try this:
onecycle = f((maxI-25):(maxI+25));
Indices in MATLAB must be integers greater than zero. I am assuming her that ‘maxI’ is greater than or equal to 26, and is at least 26 less than the length of your ‘f’ vector.