MATLAB: How to define line colour in zplane plotting


I have used the command; zplane to plot a graph and i wanted to change the line colour but still i am struggling…… if someone know how to do this please let me know!!!
Thank you, Ishan

Best Answer

Thank you Walter Roberson and Matt Fig !!!
Walter I tried your code but it plots unit circle red and y axis green. since I wanted to plot zeros and poles in colours,I manage to modify the your code as;
figure(2) % Z-plane poles and zeors
[hz1, hp1, ht1] = zplane(a,b); % Plot zeros and poles when coefficients are unquantized
grid on;% turn on grids
hold on;% Plot the second graph in same figure
[hz2, hp2, ht2] = zplane(H_Ka,H_Kb);%Plot zeros and poles when coefficients unquantized
hold off;
set(findobj(hz1, 'Type', 'line'), 'Color', 'g');
set(findobj(hp1, 'Type', 'line'), 'Color', 'g');
set(findobj(hz2, 'Type', 'line'), 'Color', 'r');
set(findobj(hp2, 'Type', 'line'), 'Color', 'r');
Thank you again Walter !! Cheers !!!