MATLAB: How to define a vector of symbolic functions


Hi all,
I have a vector of functions f(x), where f and x are vectors. For example,
f(x)=[x1^2+x2-x3; x2+x3^2; x1*x2];
How could I declare such function? Thank you.

Best Answer

You could try,
syms x
f = symfun([x1^2+x2-x3; x2+x3^2; x1*x2], x);
but that might instead create a single function that returns an array. More sure would be
f = arrayfun(@symfun, [x1^2+x2-x3; x2+x3^2; x1*x2], x)
You would have had to have defined x1, x2, and x3 before this, and it seems odd that you would define a function with argument x but not use x anywhere in the function.