MATLAB: How to define a constraint to the optimization problem


I am trying to write my optimization model by following the way of Factory, Warehouse, Sales Allocation Model: Solver-Based example. Unfortunately, I have this error:
% Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 90-by-1 and the size of the right side is 5-by-3.
% Error in Constraint (line 28)
% xtemp(:,:,ii) = d_ik;
The optimization model:
This is the code I tried to write:
i = 5; k = 3; t = 6;
d_ik = [1,5,6; 3,6,3; 5,7,0; 6,3,9; 2,8,8];
TR_t = [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000];
X_ikt = zeros(i,k,t); % Allocate arrays
for ii = 1:i
for jj = 1:k
for kk = 1:t
obj(ii,jj,kk) = 1;
obj = X_ikt(:);
matwid = length(obj);
Aineq = spalloc(t,matwid,i*k*t);
bineq = zeros(t,1);
clearer1 = zeros(size(obj));
clearer12 = clearer1(:);
counter = 1;
for ii = 1:t
xtemp = clearer1;
xtemp(:,:,ii) = d_ik;
xtemp = sparse(xtemp(:)); % Convert to sparse
Aineq(counter,:) = xtemp'; % Fill in the row
bineq(counter) = TR(ii)';
counter = counter + 1;
intcon = t+1:length(obj);
lb = zeros(length(obj),1);
ub = Inf(length(obj),1);
opts = optimoptions('intlinprog','Display','off','PlotFcn',@optimplotmilp);
[solution,fval,exitflag,output] = intlinprog(obj,intcon,Aineq,bineq,lb,ub,opts);
PS: I am intended to write my model like Factory, Warehouse, Sales Allocation Model: Solver-Based example to obtain computational efficiency for large scale models and to solve using different techniques such as Genetic Algorithm.

Best Answer

Note also that your call to intlinprog is the wrong syntax. You haven't specified the equality constraints (or indicated that there are none),
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