MATLAB: How to default an array to show either 0’s or 1’s

arrayimage processingmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

I have an array that is defined by:
pict(i, j) = pict(i, j) + (sum1^2 - sum2)/32;
The array is a 41 x 41 double, and yields the result:
I'm plotting this figure using:
image(Rx, (Ry-40), pict, 'CDataMapping', 'scaled')
The area (in yellow) at -11 on the y-axis is my maximum point in the image. Is there a way for me to manipulate my array to make a range of maximum values 1 and everything else 0?

Best Answer

If I understood correctly,
wantedarray = pict >= 16.5; %everything above 16.5 becomes 1, everything else 0
wantedarray = double(pict >= 16.5); %if an array of double instead of logical is required