MATLAB: How to decrypt a pcode


Is there an experienced MATLAB user to provide me with some info on how to decrypt a given pcode?
P.S: It seems that I have to use a pcode version of my original code. Actually, I heard from an old MATLAB user that there are some ways to decrypt a pcode. (to obtain the original code) Of course, by advanced user (hackers :-O ) not newbies!!

Best Answer

No, there is no decoding method for P-coded functions.
You can use the debugger to step through the code line by line, inspect changes to variables and get a list of called functions. But you cannot get the source code as clear text. And most likely: You are explicitly not wanted to! A decompilation or reverse-engineering of a program usually conflicts with the license conditions and is illegal.
[EDITED] This thread seems to show, that P-coding is less cryptic than I thought:
[EDITED 2] Modern Matlab versions prevent the debugging of P-files.