MATLAB: How to debug the S-Function generated for SIL simulation with a target from Embedded Coder R2017b

compilerdebuggerEmbedded Codersilsimulinksimulink coder

based on question, I have the same question for R2017b. I've already found following resources:
I've got two question:
  • Is there a difference when using the newly added MinGW compiler?
  • Can Visual Studio be used with MinGW? Is Visual Studio the correct tool? Or is there a maybe an alternative GNU debugger?
Thanks a lot in advance! Thomas

Best Answer

Source-level debugging for SIL is enabled S-Function is only supported when the code is compiled with the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) or Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 compiler. So use any of these 2 compilers and use Visual Studio to debug.