MATLAB: How to debug the S-Function generated for SIL simulation with a target from Embedded Coder 5.5 (R2011a)

Embedded Coderertsoftware-in-the-loop

I use Embedded Coder to run SIL (Software-In-the-Loop) simulations. I would like to be able to debug the S-Function that is generated for the SIL simulation.

Best Answer

To debug the SIL S-Function you need to build the necessary libraries with debug information. Please follow the steps below to do this.
Check the ”Verbose build” check box under Code Generation > Debug in the Configuration Parameters.
Prepare and generate code for model with the required settings to generate the SIL-block. For details on the required settings, please see:
Edit the generated make file
by changing the DEBUG_BUILD flag in the following section to 1:
# To enable debugging:
# set DEBUG_BUILD = 1
Close the model with the SIL block and execute the command
>> clear mex
to make sure the SIL S-Function MEX file is not locked.
Execute the file
To rebuild the model with debug information.
You can do this from within MATLAB by making the
folder your current directory and then execute:
>> !<model>.bat
The project is now built for debugging.
For information on how to debug S-Functions/MEX-files, please see the following guide: