MATLAB: How to debug MEX files on Solaris using gcc/gdb


How do I debug MEX files on Solaris using gcc/gdb?

Best Answer

This Solution is specific to the GDB debugger on Solaris. For other configurations, please consult the documentation.
In R12.1 to debug MEX-files (and S-functions) using gcc and gdb, you need to compile it using the following code:
mex -g -f mexfilename.c.
1. Start MATLAB with
matlab -Dgdb
2. At the gdb prompt type:
run -nojvm
3. At the MATLAB prompt type
dbmex on
4. Type the mexfilename.
5. At the gdb prompt type
shared mexfilename.mexsol
6. Type:
break mexFunction
7. Type
You should then end up inside of the mexFunction
This was done using 2.95.2 gcc and 4.16 gdb.