MATLAB: How to deactivate MATLAB


I need to deactivate MATLAB. How do I do this?

Best Answer

If MATLAB is still installed on the computer
To deactivate MATLAB:
  • Launch MATLAB.
  • Click on "Help" in the MATLAB toolstrip, right beneath the question mark in the white circle. (Click on the "Home" tab if you don't see the help menu.)
  • Hover over "Licensing."
  • Click on "Deactivate Software..." from the licensing submenu and follow the on-screen instructions.
In MATLAB R2012a and earlier there is no toolstrip, so the Licensing submenu is in the help menu.
In MATLAB R2007b and earlier, activation and deactivation do not apply.
If MATLAB has been uninstalled
If you are unable to launch MATLAB or MATLAB has already been uninstalled, you will need to launch the deactivation client manually. On Windows, the deactivation client remains on the computer even if MATLAB has been uninstalled. Assuming MATLAB was installed in the default location, the deactivation client is located here:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20XXx\uninstall\bin\winXX\deactivate_matlab.exe
Once the activation client has been launched, follow the on-screen instructions.
If the MATLAB installation folder has been deleted, and you have the deactivation string
Please log into your MathWorks account on
  • Select the license you are deactivating
  • Select the install and activate tab
  • Under Related Tasks, on the right side, there will be a deactivate a computer link. Select this link.
  • The activation list should show up now. There will be a X underneath the deactivate column, click on the x
  • Put in your deactivation string in the proper field and select Submit Deactivation String.
This will deactivate the computer in our systems.
If the MATLAB installation folder has been deleted, and you do not have the deactivation string
If the MATLAB installation folder has been deleted then MATLAB must be deactivated on the MathWorks License Center. For more information, see the following article:
How can I deactivate MATLAB on a machine I cannot access?