MATLAB: How to customize the version of PortAudio that is used with the Signal Processing Blockset 6.9 (R2009a)


I would like to know if it is possible to replace the version of the PortAudio library that ships with Signal Processing Blockset with a customized version that supports different audio host APIs.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Signal Processing Blockset 6.10 (R2009b). For previous releases, please see the information below:
The AudioDevice blocks that ship with Signal Processing Blockset utilize the PortAudio library to communicate with the audio hardware. Although the PortAudio library supports a range of API’s designed to communicate with the audio hardware on a given platform, the following default choices were made for the version of PortAudio that is built for Simulink:
Windows: DirectSound
Linux: OSS
Mac: CoreAudio
If you wish to enable communication between Simulink and your audio device using a different API, it is possible to build your own version of the PortAudio library and use it in place of the PortAudio library that ships with the Signal Processing Blockset.
In the attached file entitled README.TXT, we have included a document that describes the basic steps that need to be taken in order to compile PortAudio.
Also attached are several patches (pa_mac_core.c.diff, pa_win_ds.c.diff, pa_win_hostapis.c.diff, and pa_win_wdmks.c.diff) that have been made to the standard portaudio sources in order to enable their use in MATLAB. These files are differences with respect to the latest stable release of PortAudio (pa_stable_v19_20071207). Those sources can be downloaded from the following web site:
Patches can be applied using the .diff files through utilities such as 'patch' in UNIX platforms. For more information, please refer to the following page: