MATLAB: How to crop out the barcode?

cropimage processingMATLAB

I have found out the way to determine the barcode and currently working on cropping out the barcode. How can I write the code so that it can crop out the barcode?? I have paste my original image and my coding below.
Original Image
Processed Image
% Read Image
rgb = imread('barcode.jpg');
% Resize Image
rgb = imresize(rgb,0.33);
% Convert from RGB to Gray
Igray = rgb2gray(rgb);
BW2 = edge(Igray,'canny');
% Perform the Hough transform
[H, theta, rho] = hough(BW2);
% Find the peak pt in the Hough transform
peak = houghpeaks(H);
% Find the angle of the bars
barAngle = theta(peak(2));
J = imrotate(rgb,barAngle,'bilinear','crop');
Jgray = double(rgb2gray(J));
% Calculate the Gradients
[dIx, dIy] = gradient(Jgray);
%if min(dIx(:))<= -100 && max(dIx(:))>=100 || min(dIy(:))<=-100 && max(dIy(:))>=100
if barAngle <= 65 && barAngle >=-65 && min(dIx(:))<= -100
B = abs(dIx) - abs(dIy);
B = abs(dIy) - abs(dIx);
% Low-Pass Filtering
H = fspecial('gaussian', 20, 10);
C = imfilter(B, H);
C = imclearborder(C);

Best Answer

D = C > 20;
Ilabel = bwlabel(D);
stat = regionprops(Ilabel,'boundingbox');
for x = 1 : length(stat)
Icrop{x} = imcrop(J,stat(x).BoundingBox);