MATLAB: How to crop image 1.jpg from 2.jpg in matlab(if it doesn’t have boundary)

croping without boundaryImage Processing Toolbox

How can I crop image 1.jpg from 2.jpg in matlab? Is there any function? 1.jpg is a binary image and it hasn't a boundary and noice. I use blue color for white color here to understandable.

Best Answer

Here are the steps (one way at least - there are several ways to do it).
  1. convert to gray with rgb2gray()
  2. threshold binaryImage = grayImage < 128
  3. call bwconvhull
  4. call bwlabel to get labeledImage
  5. call regionprops(labeledImage..... and ask for 'BoundingBox'.
  6. expand bounding box coordinates by whatever amount you want.
  7. call imcrop(originalImage, boundingBox)
That pretty much does it, except for some things like imshow() to display your progress. See if you can do it all by yourself from this point on. Let me know how it goes.