MATLAB: How to crop an image around certain xy coordinates

image processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

This may be a simple question but I am extremely new to Matlab and coding in general. I have the coordinates of a circle's center by using the imfindcircles function. I want to be able to find the total pixel value of a 25×25 pixel box around the given coordinates. I'm not really sure how this can be done at all. Is there a way to plot such a box around a given xy coordinates? Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Given x and y as integers, then
cropped = YourArray(y - 12 : y + 12, x - 12 : x + 12, :);
Assuming that the x and y are not within 12 of the edge of the image.
After that it depends what you mean by "total pixel value". You might mean
or you might mean