MATLAB: How to crop a rectangle/square out of a image when four end points are given


How to crop a rectangle aligned at some angle to the x axes when its four coordinates are known ?? Say for example I have a square and I want to crop out a square connecting all the mid points of the sides of the bigger square.Basically I want to make all the pixels inside the smaller square white and the remaining as black.

Best Answer

I wrote a custom function that "draws" lines onto a matrix (superimposeLines.m) and a script that use that function to draw the four sides of your tilted rectangle (Animesh.m). Then, I use the function imfill to fill all the pixels inside the small rectangle with the same color as the sides.
Here is the final result:
You can use that function to draw more complex shapes, like a polygon. All you have to do is properly write the starting and end points of each line in your polygon and pass it to superimposeLines. Look at the code in the attached files for how to properly format your matrix of point coordinates.