MATLAB: How to create two list dialogs (listdlg) in one figure

listdlgmatlab gui

Hi all! I am looking for a solution to create a figure, in which two different listboxes are presented, and the user can select one or multiple lines in each listbox. I know that I could program this more or less from scratch, using GUIDE. However, I was wondering whether there would be a simpler solution, using the the function 'listdlg'? Because listdlg actually does everything I need, beside that it just allows one but not multiple listboxes.
An example for a listbox would be the following:
listdlg('PromptString','List options A:', 'ListString', {'option 1A', 'option 2A', 'option 3A'})
So I would need a figure that looks exactly like this, but just with another listbox next to it:
listdlg('PromptString','List options B:', 'ListString', {'option 1B', 'option 2B', 'option 3B'})
So that the user can select 1 or multiple lines from listbox A and 1 or multiple lines from listbox B.
Best, Matthias

Best Answer

No, listdlg() creates a temporary figure with windowstyle 'modal' (which disallows operating on other figures)
I also see that in current versions, listdlg() stores some data in appdata ListDialogAppData__ against the root graphics object; if there were multiple list dialogs they would be conflicting on that.