MATLAB: How to create two graph plots in one, plus scale aside

fourier analysisMATLABs-transform

How to do this figure in MatLab?
Partial code:
M = 256; sigma = 6.0;
h = sin(+2*pi*sigma*log((1-([0:M-1]/M))-0.2));
h(1:37) = 0; h(193:M) = 0;
H= [fft(h) fft(h) fft(h)];
k = ([0:floor(M/2)-1 -floor(M/2):-1]);
for n=1:floor(M/2)-1;
.*exp(-2*pi*i*(n*k/M-sign(n) ...
W = W/sum(W);
S(n+1,:) = ifft(H(n+M+1:n+M+M).* fft(W));
figure(10), contour(abs(S),'ShowText','off');
Source code and picture, article DOI: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2004.03.015
Title: "Time-local Fourier analysis with a scalable, phase-modulated analyzing function: the S-transform with a complex window"

Best Answer

The trick is to use position property in subplot.
figure, subplot('position',[0.1 0.3 0.8 0.7]),contour(abs(S),'ShowText','off');xlim([0 M]);
subplot('position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.1]),plot(1:M,h),xlim([0 M]);
you can modify the parameters of position vector to get the exact to what you want.
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