MATLAB: How to create this 2D waterfall plot


The data is from a CSV file with one time column and 32 columns of data.
The curves show the Amplitude vs. Time behavior of the sensors while the sensor locations (in meters) are placed on the Y-axis.
I assume this is a waterfall plot, but I can't reproduce it. How can I make a graph like this one?

Best Answer

That's not a waterfall plot, at least not by my understanding. To me a waterfall plot looks like the picture shown on the waterfall function documentation page.
What you've shown looks more like the "Plot Multiple Lines" or "Create Line Plot From Matrix" examples on the documentation page for the plot function, though your multiple lines look like their Y data is different enough that the lines don't overlap. In that I agree with Adam Danz, that plot is probably the right tool for this job.
If neither of those look like what you want, open the Plots tab on the Toolstrip and click the downward pointing triangle in the PLOTS section. Scan through the thumbnails to see if one looks like what you want. Once you've found such a thumbnail ask for help or doc on the function name written under the picture, or open up the Catalog (the button in the lower corner of the PLOTS dropdown) and locate the thumbnail / function of the same name to see the documentation page for that function.
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